About Us
If you can't take the heat then learn to laugh in cold sweat.
This business can test your ego, your patience, and your tolerance for pain. So, we need an outlet; one that takes the stress out of trading and managing our finances. Here we believe that a kick in the teeth is an opportunity for dental work and buying into dental equipment manufacturers stocks! Or puking your guts out means buying into disposable barf bag makers! It's as simple as that. Opportunities everywhere...
I, myself, trade for a living and manage a small family fund. I spend all day scouring financial news sites and research news that can impact the markets. Funancia curates all that information and publishes only what we deem worthy of your attention. That's right, we know what's good for you!
So, Take a break, grab a cup of joe, and spend a few minutes with us. I hope you enjoy our gig.


Chief Happiness Officer